Extracting Discord's Welcome Messages
I was learning about WebSockets today for a college project and decided to build a chat webapp as defined in the homework section of Socket.io's getting started guide.
Inspired by how Discord displays a fun random message—e.g. Welcome, {name}. We hope you've brought pizza.—I wanted to use those in my project too. So I thought why not just use Discord's messages, and instantly jumped on to extract those. Who doesn't love yak shaving, right?
First, I loaded all the past chats of a channel by spamming the Home key. To extract only the welcome messages among others in the channel, I had to identify something which all welcome messages shared in common. It turns out that Discord uses a green arrow icon ( ) for such messages, which has a
Using the class name of the icon, I extracted the parent DOM node of the chat message:
.forEach(e => console.log(e.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML))
This filled up my console with the required HTML, which I saved to a file by doing a Right click -> Save as... in the console. This gave me a 319 line long .log file containing the HTML code for each message.
After a bit of regex magic in VSCode and a uniq
command later, I ended up with a list of these unique messages:
Unique welcome messages
{name} hopped into the server.
{name} is here.
{name} joined the party.
{name} just landed.
{name} just showed up!
{name} just slid into the server.
A wild {name} appeared.
Everyone welcome {name}!
Glad you're here, {name}.
Good to see you, {name}.
Welcome {name}. Say hi!
Welcome, {name}. We hope you've brought pizza.
Yay you made it, {name}!
After doing all this work, all I had were 13 measly template strings. Honestly, I had expected Discord to have many more of these random message templates.
If you come across other messages not in the list, let me know and I'll update it.