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Extracting Discord's Welcome Messages

· 2 min read
Shubh A Chudasama
Builder | Materializing ideas into reality.

I was learning about WebSockets today for a college project and decided to build a chat webapp as defined in the homework section of's getting started guide.

Inspired by how Discord displays a fun random message—e.g. Welcome, {name}. We hope you've brought pizza.—I wanted to use those in my project too. So I thought why not just use Discord's messages, and instantly jumped on to extract those. Who doesn't love yak shaving, right?

TIL Accessing App Data using ADB

· One min read
Shubh A Chudasama
Builder | Materializing ideas into reality.

While working on an Android app, I had some issues with the SQLite database and wanted to delete it. This db is stored in the app's internal data directory (/data/data/com.cshubh.myapp), which is inaccessible using file managers on the device.

TIL Typo Tolerance in Passwords

· 2 min read
Shubh A Chudasama
Builder | Materializing ideas into reality.

TIL that some companies allow typo tolerance in passwords. Instead of simply rejecting a login attempt with small mistakes, they accept some common typos like an accidental uppercase or an extra character.

Obfuscate email

· One min read
Shubh A Chudasama
Builder | Materializing ideas into reality.

I was building contact page for this site where I've put up my email. How do I deal with bots harvesting plaintext emails from websites and sending spam?

Hello World!

· One min read
Shubh A Chudasama
Builder | Materializing ideas into reality.

Hello World!

I built my previous site using Next.js and MUI. The other day I set up a hugo site for a friend. I have been planning to write and publish content on my website for a long time now, but never got around to do it. To reduce friction I decided to move to a platform where I don't have to worry about implementing all the basic blog functionality from scratch. After some research, I decided on Docusaurus. Spent an evening setting it up and achieving feature parity with my previous site, making sure to not break any URLs. Lo and behold, my new site.